You’ll get an email when you have a confirmed reservation.

You can also go to your reservations, your calendar, or your message with the guest, and check if the reservation status is confirmed.

If there’s an alteration request: If the status says alteration request, the reservation is confirmed, but either the host or the guest is waiting for changes they asked to have accepted or declined. You can send a message to the host or guest to remind them to accept or decline the changes.

If it’s awaiting payment or verification: In these cases, Airbnb is usually gathering some information that might be missing, required, or out of date: for example, the expiration date for your guest’s payment method. We’ll do all the work to confirm these details, and we’ll even contact your guest if more info is needed. You’ll get an email as soon as we’re able to confirm the reservation.

If a pre-approval, special offer, or request to book has expired, it’s still possible for you to get a reservation for those dates.

Here are a few tips to help a guest book your place.