General information

How do I update the address of my property?
You can change the 'address' and 'locality' of the property under the 'basic info' section of 'Property Tab' using InGo-MMT ...
Tue, 5 May, 2020 at 3:56 PM
How can I change my contact details?
You can change the contact details of your property using 'Property Tab' on InGo-MMT Extranet. Property Tab has a section 'Contact', where y...
Tue, 5 May, 2020 at 3:28 PM
How can i change the Check-in and Check-out timings of my property?
You can change the check-in & check-out timings for your property under the 'basic info' section of the 'Property Tab' using InGo-MMT Ex...
Tue, 5 May, 2020 at 3:30 PM
My property is not coming on Google Maps, how can you help me with that?
On your computer, open Google Maps. Search for an address. Click Add a missing place.
Tue, 5 May, 2020 at 3:44 PM